Political Risk Advisory Services | New York - Washington D.C.
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Advisory Services for Businesses, Investors, and Governments

How does political risk affect your organization?


Decisions made in Washington D.C. and around the world can undermine or accelerate progress toward your organization's most-important goals. Political Alpha combines access to key decision makers—from Capitol hill to Hong Kong—with timely research to  help you predict and understand these political shocks in real time. 


“While the Saudis and Russians still don’t like each other, the Saudis are committed to keeping the current OPEC+ arrangement in place—for now—in order to drive a narrative for the Aramco IPO.”
— Research Snapshot, Oil Markets
U.S. negotiators are fairly close to the contours of a final deal with Mexico, and they plan to use an agreement with Mexico to give Canada a take-it-or-leave-it ultimatum
— Research Snapshot, Trade Negotiations